How old i look was first created with help of the c2 (construct 2) game engine and the version that currently is active is still the c2 version.

While creating the initial version of the game with c2 was an easy task, maintaining it was turning into a hassle. considering that c2 is not designed for web apps like this, certain easy no brainer tasks like being able to scroll through contents needed extra attention and time.

One of the biggest problems was ability to control behavior of app when user clicked on certain part of the page. because c2 cared more about where user clicked other than on what element user clicked on. it was up to the developer to design the app in a way that clicking on a element not to trigger actions triggered by clicking on the elements below.

For example if a pop up appeared and user tapped or clicked on part of the pop up and there was another element under the popup let’s say a like button the default behavior of c2 was to also trigger the event of pressing like button.

These problems combined with absence of thousands of brilliant javascript libraries made me interconnect the construct 2 web app with custom javascript codes and useful libraries. to do this valerypopoff’s javascript add-on helped a lot. but this approach had it’s own downsides. because of that i decided to move on to another well stablished framework : ReactJS. the React version of this app is still under development and still uses the c2 version for the main game page but other than that everything is Based on reactJS.

Now don’t get me wrong, construct2 and now construct3 is a great evolving tool that game designers can use to easily turn their ideas into actual games. but How old i look has evolved since i started developing it, actually at first it was just the main page and no ability to upload image or see how other’s guessed your age. it was just a game with funky design but now is time to move on to another framework

Thank you construct 2, i will always remember you.

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